I definitely had one of the longest peer reviews and i got a tone of feedback. Alot of the feedback was focused more on a direction people through i should be going in rather than the cinematic narrative itself. The important thing is i have begun implementing alot of the suggestions and have found myself in a more positive place for it. Probably the most important thing i took from it was to start straight into lighting. I have covered all the basics in
Maya lighting through digital tutors and am in the middle of tests invloving a gobo image animating across the main room's floor.
I agree with what was said about the piece been very long and i should concentrate on the one room. However, as an artist i still want to create a cinematic playing with the original night vs day narrative. So as a compromise im going to just work on the main room for now and see how things go over the next week or two and evaluate the situation again.
Peer review notes:
Glass shaders - Caustics
Moss(green) on windows- Subsurface-scattering
Gobo - completed tutorial (render tests coming soon)
Light linking - completed tutorial
Night lighting - blue gels
HDRI - worked on during 'going live' project
Im going to spend most of the next week testing most of these out as well as general atmospheric lighting within the main room. Anymore feedback on recommended lighting for my scene would be much appreciated.