Saturday 20 November 2010

Context review 17/11/10 - Replay

Replay is a project film developed by four french students, Zakaria Boumediane, Camille Delmeule, Anthony Voisin and Felicite Zulma. It tells a sad story about Lana and her younger brother Theo who are forced to live down in a bunker. A disaster of some sort has happened to the world and the air is now unbreathable. Lana brings home a recorder she found while out on a salvage. We follow the story through Theo as he adventures into the waste land. The sounds reminding him of the life that was taken away from him.

The first scene shows a harsh dangerous environment as Lana battles the on coming wind and sand to reach the front door of the bunker. The gas mask and sound of her heavy breathing adds to the atmosphere. The mood changes as Lana shuts the door of the bunker behind her and the red light turns to green. The audience can relax, she is now safe. The bunker conveys both a mood of somewhere safe but also of been trapped. This is seen through Theo as his sister wont let him leave the safety of the bunker. There is a feeling of loneliness and isolation as Theo walks through the empty ruin down streets while listening to the recording from when there was once alive, the life he can no longer experience. The mood picks up pace as we have the Lana searching for Theo scene running parallel to the horror of Theo removing his mask. An anxious feeling as the audience watches an uncertain outcome. The ending has an interesting mix of emotion. Theo finally gets the life that this disaster has taken from him. On the other side we see the reality of Lana finding her brother and only companion lying dead on the playground.

A beautiful piece of music accompanies the animation, enhancing the sense of isolation felt by an innocent young boy who more than anything wants his old life back. This animation is the closet of the other context reviews to what i am studying. The feeling of safety within the small area of the bunker versus the vast landscape of a baron world.

Replay from Roger Foxtrot on Vimeo.

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